Diet and Fertility Treatment When it comes to fertility and your chances of getting pregnant, general health and wellness supported by good dietary intake are quite important. A diet that reduces inflammation (anti-inflammatory diet) is essential for successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment! An anti-inflammatory diet includes foods like lean proteins like fish, lentils, and low-fat poultry as well as…
Overview In Africa, especially Nigeria, many marriages face the challenges of breakups due to lack of children. A family is considered complete with children, while infertility is a taboo and children dying after birth is considered a curse in many cultures! For couples struggling with infertility, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is often a viable option to conceive a child. Other challenges…
View your embryos during IVF The purpose of IVF treatment is to generate an embryo that can grow into a healthy baby. This involves a complex series of procedures that result in the conception of a child. During IVF treatment, eggs retrieved from a woman’s ovaries are fertilized with sperm retrieved from a man. The eggs and sperm are placed…